
água de Mar


Plural Entertainment


Coral Produções


May - June 2014

Every audiovisual production needs a production team, actors, sets and, among other things…graphic design! All those little things in the background have to be done by someone and I was thrilled to help for a month in this new Portuguese production called “Água de Mar”. If the work is well done, no one will notice it and when you’re used to clients that ask for creative and different, working for television can be a challenge because you have to design according to what already exists so that it doesn’t draw too much attention. Every day I was doing logos, sausage and tuna cans, take-away flyers, price tags, milk bottles, newspapers, magazines, business cards…you name it!

I loved this experience, I definitely look at series and movies differently now!

Here are some of the things I designed. All images copyright belong to Plural Entertainment.
